Wednesday, 26 March 2014

"Obsession it takes control..."

"...obsession it eats me whole" ah yes, the opening lyrics to Bastilles song "Poet" pretty much sums up my all consuming obsession for TV series'. When ever I'm not reading or writing essays I can pretty much always be found watching another TV series. The longer, the better, none of this 3 episodes a series business (I'm looking at you Sherlock). A current favourite of mine is Greys Anatomy, it's currently on its 10th season and while it's not as good as it was back in the day, I'm still an avid watcher! 
Other favourites include Gossip Girl, 90210, Girls, New Girl, The Big Bang Theory and of course I can't forget British TV: Sherlock, Dr Who, Call the Midwife, Skins, Misfits...the list goes on! I also love a bit of trashy TV (16 and pregnant etc)

But I'm feeling a bit if a change at the moment and I'm undecided between starting Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones. Do you have any suggestions for what I could watch? 


Saturday, 1 March 2014


Ah so this lovely photo was taken at my 16th Birthday party (4 years's hard to believe!) back then I was sporting a spur of the moment short do and I was also mid Paolo Nutini obsession. My lovely friends surprised me with his 'Sunny Side Up' album and it was played over and over again. But over the years Paolo seems to have slowly disappeared from the front line of music. This came as a bit of a disappointment to  me as I had grown accustomed to his Scottish, gravely tone and while his first two albums were amazing, I was ready for something new. But, it wasn't to be, at least, that was the case until a couple of weeks ago. One sunday I was reading the newspaper and what did I see? Only an article on how Paolo Nutini was making a comeback, a new album named 'Caustic Love' is to be released on the 14th Arpil (save the date) pre-order here and I for one will be first in line to pick it up.

The second wave of excitement occurred this morning as I opened up my laptop to find that he had released an Abbey Road Live Session of one of the songs 'Iron Sky' and what can I say, ITS BRILLIANT!! Head on over here to watch it. I have had a very good year in regard to music, Bastille, Haim, 1975, Kodaline, Ben Howard, To Kill a King and London Grammar all featuring heavily on my iPod, but Paolo Nutini's new album really will be the cherry on top of the cake, I have waited patiently for 4 years for this release, and finally it's here!

Are there any music releases that you are excited for? What are your views on Paolo Nutini
