Showing posts with label Exams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exams. Show all posts

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Keeping my spirits up!

Ah so May swung around all too quick! Exams, exams and more exams- even if the weather was good, I wouldn't be able to enjoy it! Lately I've been feeling a bit down about the whole revision thing so I have been trying to do things that will keep my spirits up. Baths usually do the job, but alas, my uni house doesn't have one (crazy!). So last weekend I decided to pop home and on my way back I popped into the Lush shop in Waterloo train station and here is what I picked up...
This one is called the Comforter, which seems rather fitting! It had a lovely berry scent and I will definitely be repurchasing.
This one is called 'Pop in the Bath' and it was equally as lovely and relaxing!

How do you relax? What's your favourite lush product? 


Tuesday, 1 April 2014

In search of some peace and quiet

Ok, so the countdown to exams has started! My Easter holidays started on Saturday and I have four weeks until the dreaded exams start. There is one minor problem- there are builders in our house and the sound of walls being knocked down isn't exactly the ideal atmosphere to do some serious revision. So today I decided to venture outside of my house in search of a more peaceful place to work. I considered the library but I find silent work really hard and I prefer a bit of low level noise. 

I decided to try out my local cafe so that I could stock up on caffeine whilst working. I'm currently working on a project that analyses the historical accuracy of Robert Harris' "Pompeii". 

I chose this table because it had a lovely vase of daffodils (oh hello spring) and I treated myself to a cappuccino and set about reading my book whilst furiously taking notes on my post-it's. 
It was a lovely little cafe and I managed to spend a good 3 hours there, many cups of tea followed and I had a surprisingly productive day. I think I'll be visiting again soon or even venturing further afield because I do feel that it's important to switch up working spaces, especially when you lose motivation (which I often do!) 

Do you have any impending exams? Where do you work best? 
