Showing posts with label Greece. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greece. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Where Have I Been?

Despite finishing my three year university degree in June and graduating in July, I have somehow managed to spend all of my free time NOT writing my blog. I have been painfully neglectful and I am about to throw some half arse excuses at you; brace yourselves.

1. In late June and early July I spent ten days in Greece: Rhodes and Athens. Enjoying the wonders of a country in meltdown. I felt somewhat guilty benefiting from their crisis in that public transport was free in Athens. The food was brilliant, as was the weather (although, thank god for air con!), and I finally got to see the brilliant and inspiring Parthenon.

2. I graduated! Yep that's right, after three brilliant years, I finally graduated from university with a 2:1 in Classical Studies, WOOOHOO! Whilst the day itself can not be blamed for my absence, I have found myself in a post university slump. Aimless and lacking in motivation, it's fair to say that adjusting to life outside of education has been an odd experience.

3. I then found myself in Scotland. As a family we travelled up to Inverness, onwards to Thurso and then down the west coast to Scourie. We were in the middle of nowhere but it was absolutely beautiful! Time was spent taking lots of walks and drooling over the beautiful Highland Pottery in Lochinver. 

4. If one heat fuelled holiday wasn't enough; I left the UK once again, this time for Spain. It was a bit of a shock to the system! As a lover of all things cold I found the hot weather a bit too much! The hotel pool and endless supply of iced drinks kept me sane! Tans were got and books were read (keep your eyes peeled for a couple of reviews).

5. Back in June I spent a weekend in Oxford to see a friend who goes to University there. It is a beautiful city and one that I wouldn't hesitate to reccomend. Highlights included seeing the set to the Hospital Wing from Harry Potter and eating at one of the colleges formal dinners. 

6. In June I also spent a couple of days up in Doncaster, visiting a friend. Whilst up there I was able to visit York where we had breakfast at Betty's tea shop. We also went to Chatsworth House which was used in the Keira Knightly Pride and Prejudice.     

7. After suffering a lot a aimlessness induced anxiety, I managed to get myself a job as a teaching assistant in a school. I am very excited to start in September and I can't wait to have a purpose and good routine!

8. Seven months on and after one failed attempt, I finally managed to pass my driving test! It was a day I thought I would never see, but I can now legally drive a car alone! This took up a surprisingly large amount of time, I always seemed to be in a car, practicing roundabouts or perfecting my reverse around a corner.

9. This past week I have been in Wales, enjoying a brisk wind and chilly dips in the sea. I feel windswept and wind burnt, the way all good holidays should leave you! 

So, all in all I have had a very busy three months! I will do my best to get back into a good routine, but it's a promise that history tells I'm not all that great at keeping. I have read a decent number of books this summer so hopefully there will be a book review coming your way soon! 
