So the weekend has arrived and that means FREE TIME! For 48 hours I won't be inhaling bone dust and trying and failing to distinguish between toe and finger bones! It's fair to say I am exhausted, a mixture of earlier than usual starts and hot weather has really tired me out!
So on Saturday we made our way to Naples, the founding place of the Pizza. I played the role of tourist and made my way through plenty of pizza. All in all it was a brilliant day! 

We had a look at a couple of churches and then went to the Archaeological museum which holds artefacts like the Alexander mosaic from the House of the Faun in Pompeii.
On Sunday we travelled over to Herculaneum which was so well preserved by the eruption of 79AD. We saw things like original sliding wooden doors which was absolutely amazing! I visited Herculaneum in February but it was brilliant to get a second look.
We then went onto Pompeii, by then I was melting under the sun but we carried on regardless!
Outside of Amphitheatre
Stairs in a house (proof of a second floor!)
Failed attempt at a panorama of the large theatre
View down one of the streets
The House of the Faun
That was just a select few of the photos I took, I may do a longer and more detailed post when I get home to my laptop and good wifi!
I have one more week in Italy and then I am heading back to England for a week of camping and then a couple of days in Paris! I hope you are having a brilliant summer!