Dissertation has been handed in and the dreaded final exams loom. I am very quickly nearing the end of my degree and as a result I have had very little time to devote to my blog. I did however pick up a couple of books which are ready to read as soon as my exams are over. I thought I would give you a sneak peek as many of these may be appearing in future book reviews.
Dear Reader: Paul Fournel
Sally Heathcote Suffragette: Mary M Talbot, Kate Charlesworth, Bryan Talbot

How To Be A Heroine: Samantha Ellis

One Small Act Of Kindness: Lucy Dillon

Men Explain Things to Me: Rebecca Solnit
Bad Feminist: Roxane Gay
I apologise for this somewhat lacking post. All of the above mentioned books had been sitting in my wish list for a long time and I decided that now was the right time to treat myself to them. This time in a month I will have finished my exams and I promise to get right back into the swing of blogging.
Let me know in the comments which one you think I should read first!