Showing posts with label sally heathcote suffragette. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sally heathcote suffragette. Show all posts

Monday, 27 April 2015

Book Haul

Dissertation has been handed in and the dreaded final exams loom. I am very quickly nearing the end of my degree and as a result I have had very little time to devote to my blog. I did however pick up a couple of books which are ready to read as soon as my exams are over. I thought I would give you a sneak peek as many of these may be appearing in future book reviews. 

Dear Reader: Paul Fournel

Sally Heathcote Suffragette: Mary M Talbot, Kate Charlesworth, Bryan Talbot        


How To Be A Heroine: Samantha Ellis


One Small Act Of Kindness: Lucy Dillon


Men Explain Things to Me: Rebecca Solnit

Bad Feminist: Roxane Gay

I apologise for this somewhat lacking post. All of the above mentioned books had been sitting in my wish list for a long time and I decided that now was the right time to treat myself to them. This time in a month I will have finished my exams and I promise to get right back into the swing of blogging.

Let me know in the comments which one you think I should read first!
