Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Thirteen Weddings: Paige Toon

(Excuse the bad picture, the spine had been well and truelly cracked so the cover refused to lie flat!)

I am ashamed to say that I knew very little about Paige Toon before I picked up Thirteen Weddings, I had read One Perfect Summer a couple of years ago but other than that she hadn't featured. Thirteen Weddings however changed that and I went straight onto Amazon and I now have a truckload of her books coming my way! Thirteen Weddings had me up till 4:30am and if her other books are anywhere near as good then I know I will be losing out on lots of sleep in the next couple of weeks!

The book follows the life of Bronte, an aussie who finds herself partaking in a one night stand with the lovely Alex following the hen night of an old friend whilst in London. Bronte then goes home to Australia but a year and a half later she returns to London where she bumps into said one night stand. Alex is your typical romantic lead, handsome and intelligent, in my eyes a perfect match for the witty Bronte. Sadly a year and a half on from their first and only meeting, he is now engaged and unavailable. But love knows no boundaries and if you want to find out what happens next then get yourself down to your local bookshop or get out your e-reader pronto!

I fell in love with Bronte from the word go, I warmed to her personality and the style of the writing made me feel as though I was immersed in the story. Alongside her, I too fell for the handsome Alex and I found myself rooting for them to get together. I laughed and cried my way through it, I love nothing more than a book that genuinely makes me feel emotion. But what I loved most about this book was that it wasn't a simple boy meets girl love story, there were many twists and turns and there were enough strong characters to carry the story. 

The only disappointment for me was the underlying story of her life back home in Australia, I felt as though more could have been said about her past and her parents and I feel as though it would have really enriched Bronte's character. Other than that I loved the book and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.

This is my first proper book review so it may seem like a bit of a mess, I just blurted out all of my views. I hope you have enjoyed it!


Sunday, 1 June 2014

Liebster award

I have been blogging for about five months now and I have been struggling to give my blog the attention it deserves. This has been a mixture of exam stress but also not really knowing which direction I wanted my blog to go. When I first started my blog it was focused on beauty, fashion and lifestyle, but recently I have been leaning towards focusing it on books. I am just trying to create a good balance so it may seem like a bit of a mess of lots of different ideas at the moment but bear with me!

Anyway, so Rosie from Rosie Read Romance nominated me for the Liebster award, you should all go and check out her blog, it's brilliant! I have already done one of these which you can find here but I have decided to do it again with the questions given by Rosie as they are focused on books! 

Firstly, if you're interested the rules for the award are as follows:
  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Answer the eleven questions he/she asks.
  3. Nominate eleven bloggers.
  4. Ask these eleven bloggers eleven questions.
  5. Let these eleven bloggers know that they have been nominated.
So lets get on with the questions...

1. What's been your favourite book that you've read this year (so far)?
I have not been able to read as much as I would have liked to so far this year, but at the moment The Secret History by Donna Tartt definitely stands out, it was one of those books where people kept on telling me I would love it to the point where it had been pushed in my face so much that I almost didn't want to read it. It's safe to say that I am glad I did, not only is it the best book I have read this year, but I would also say it is one of the best books I have ever read!
2. What book are you most looking forward to reading this year?
Ohh well I just read Thirteen Weddings by Paige Toon, it was only the second of her books that I have read and I loved it so much that I have ordered all of her other books and they are now on their way, I can't wait for them to arrive, I predict that they will result in many late nights! 
3. Which book do you feel like you should have read but you never have?
I suppose the LOTR books, I have read the Hobbit but I found it such a trek to get through so I never made it any further.
4. Which book have you never been quite able to finish?
The only book that comes to mind is the 13th Lemony Snicket book in A Series of Unfortunate Events. I managed to get through the first 12 even though personally I felt they went a bit down hill after number 8. It bugs me to this day that I didn't quite get to the end, I need closure! Maybe this summer I will get it read. 
5. What's the first book you remember reading?
I was read to a lot as a child but the first book I can remember reading myself was the Milly Molly Mandy books which I absolutely loved.
6. A book you didn't think you'd like but ended up loving?
I feel like I talk about it a lot, but I would have to say The Secret History by Donna Tartt as it markets itself as a murder mystery, detective sort of book which is not at all the sort of book I would go for but it proved me wrong and I loved it. 
7. Whats the book that you recommend most often?
One Day by David Nicholls or Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin, both of which I remember recommending to anyone who would listen. They are two of my favourite books and I wanted all my friends to love them too! 
8. Do you prefer to use the library or buy books?
I wish I used the library more often but I love to own books so I do tend to buy them either in charity shops, off amazon or from book shops. I remember one time my friend lent me a book and I loved it so much that I felt as though I physically had to own it, so I went out and bought it. I haven't opened it since but I find it comforting that it's there if I ever want to flick to my favourite parts!
9. Favourite place to read?
In the bath- this may sound horrific to you and some of you would be shocked at the number of my books that are crinkly and water damaged, but I find that in the bath is the only place where I can 100% focus on the book and I find it relaxing. There is also a place between my bed and the radiator and in the winter when the heating is on I like to sit with my back against the radiator and read. 
10. Favourite reading snack?
Nothing specific, just whatever is in the house along with an endless supply of tea and coffee.
11. Other than reading (obviously) what's your favourite hobby?
I used to love sewing although I haven't had the time to do it recently, I am also starting to knit- oh the exciting life I lead! 

My 11 questions are...

  1. What is your favourite genre to read?
  2. Which book has made you feel the most emotions?
  3. Which fictional character would you most like to be?
  4. Is there a book that has been hyped up that you then found to be disappointing?
  5. Favourite series of books?
  6. Favourite author?
  7. Is there a book that has made you look at your own life differently?
  8. Favourite childhood book?
  9. Do you like film adaptations- are there any good ones you can recommend or bad ones you can warn us about!?
  10. Do you look at online reviews before buying a book?
  11. Favourite fictional couple?
Now to nominate a few bloggers, below are just a few of my favourite books bloggers...

Becca from http://beccasbooooks.blogspot.co.uk/ 
Erin from http://www.erins-choice.blogspot.co.uk/
Laura from http://shelovestoread.wordpress.com/
Kirsty from http://theloveofagoodbook.wordpress.com/
Victoria from https://victorialovesbooks.wordpress.com/
Beckie from http://www.pixxiepenguin.co.uk/
Emma from http://emmawritinganovel.wordpress.com/
Jess from http://jessheartsbooks.blogspot.co.uk/
Ray from http://rayreadsbooks.blogspot.co.uk/
Jess from http://anovelthoughtwithjess.blogspot.co.uk/
Esther from http://areadingaddiction.blogspot.co.uk/

I would love it if you could let me know if you answer the questions so I can give them a read, and thanks again to Rosie for nominating me!


Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Am I a feminist?

"Are you a feminist?!"- a question I have been asked a few times, the tone if often accusing, as though I ought to be embarrassed, almost daring me to deny it. For years I have felt uncomfortable admitting that yes, I am a feminist, because there is a stigma surrounding it which to be honest is a bit off putting. But you know what, if feminism means equality between men and women, then damn right I support it. I don't want to be considered more important than a man, I just want to be valued as an equal to them, is there really anything wrong it that?

What annoys me most is that some men (the emphasis being on some and not all) believe that they are above women simply because of their gender. It annoys me just as much that some women are willing to fall into the role cut out for them by society because that is what they have been brought up to believe is their role in life. I like to think that a woman should be able to choose to become a wife and mother, just as she should be able to choose to value a career over family, the emphasis being on choice. Feminism isn't about what women wear or how much makeup they use, or whether they are stay at home mums or driven career women- feminism is about the ability to choose what you want from your life, and not have other people telling you that you can't, because you are a woman. Feminism is about being able to do what ever a man does and not have people tell you that 'you are such a man'. Feminism is about expecting your partner to do just as much of the childcare, cooking and cleaning because ones ability to clean, cook or care should have nothing to do with gender.

I like to think that if I was going for a job against a man with the same qualification and experience that we would have an equal chance of getting the job, if he was to then get the job I would like to be confident in the knowledge that he got it because he was a better candidate and not simple because he was a man. Sadly, this country still has a long way to go before women can claim they are completely equal, but it is even worse that in regard to female rights, the UK is actually very advanced and it angers me that I live in a society where victims are blamed for rape but I am expected to be grateful because at least I have rights. Yes, I probably should be thankful that the UK is advanced but that doesn't mean that women should have to settle for less than equality. The other day I saw a post on a social media site from a girl of around 20 claiming that all these 'feminists' needed to calm down because they had gained equality and now they were just seeking attention. It upsets me that some women have settled for something that I honesty don't believe is equality and for me, that is why we need feminism.

I would like to say thank you to all the women and men out there who are fighting for equality- whether you call yourself a feminist or not, it's nice to know that some people are fighting for a world of equals.


Monday, 26 May 2014

Kids these days...

Are we raising a generation of kids who can gain access to an iPad within seconds but haven't so much as opened a book in months? I was sat reading the Sunday Times this morning and as per routine I flicked to the book section of the culture magazine. I like to see which books are best selling at the moment- I was pleased to see Donna Tartts 'goldfinch' has made it into the top 10 for the 23rd week in a row. I was less pleased to see what had made it into the top 5 children's Sunday times best sellers. John Greens TFIOS made it in at 3 which I wouldn't at all argue with and it has been sitting in the top 5 for 54 weeks! John Green is a great asset to YA literature, but the other four that made it into the top 5 actually kind of upset me. All four of them were manuals on how to use Minecraft- yes that's right, handbooks on how to be good at a computer game are sitting in the top 5 of children's lit- and it's not just that, two of them have held a top 5 position for up to 27 weeks! Please don't tell me I'm the only one who thinks this isn't right!

Don't get me wrong, I love playing on iPhone games as much as the next person, I joined in with the Flappy Bird craze and I still find myself opening Angry Birds when I'm a bit bored. But it has never dominated my lift, I still turn to a good book as a way to relax and I still see reading as a good form of entertainment. My worry is that kids are growing up with computer and iPhone games as their main form of entertainment. When I was a child, we did have a computer, but the only game I can remember playing was Dr Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham and books always played a huge role in my life. Maybe I am over reacting, maybe I should just be pleased that kids are still reading, but I find it somewhat wrong that the books they are reading are sometimes only being read to aid their gaming addiction. I know that most children do still read regularly and read decent books, and I know that a top 5 bestseller list from 1 newspaper doesn't give a realistic view of childrens literature as a whole, but I just found it interesting how these Minecraft handbooks seemed to dominate it.

I don't know whether books have lost their place in childrens lives or the quality of childrens literature is just not out there anymore. Maybe we need another J K Rowling to unite everyone in their love for an author and their books. Or, maybe i'm just being over dramatic!

Please let me know of any good childrens authors at the moment, and what is your view on books like the Minecraft handbooks dominating certain bestseller lists.


Saturday, 10 May 2014

My university bookshelf

So almost two years ago I packed up my bags and embarked on a new chapter of my life: university. But packing is never easy when it means leaving behind hundreds of books that you have spent 18 years collecting. So I was faced with a decision- which books deserved to join me on my journey to university. Here I have the selection of books that made the cut. 

In the end I chose to bring books that I hadn't read rather than my favourites, you can see that there is quite a selection of John Green books, they were bought on a bit of a book buying spree shortly after the breakdown that occurred whilst reading TFIOS! The Time Traveler's Wife made it in despite having read it a hundred and one times already- I just loved it too much to leave it behind! Finally on this shelf we have series 1-8 of Greys Anatomy- not a book I know, but they have got me through some rough times, they deserved a bit of shelf space!

This shelf has a bit more variety, a mixture of classics books- The Illiad, The Odyssey etc as well as some of the fiction books that I have on my 'to read' list. 

Now this shelf is devoted to books for my course, as you can see by the cracked spines, they are well read, and as much as I love them, I can't wait to get stuck into a fiction book that isn't on my course reading list!

This is just a tiny glimpse into the books that made the journey with me to university, I am sorry that the photo quality isn't great, they had to be taken on my phone. If you would like a more detailed tour of my bookshelf then I would be happy to oblige once by exams are over!


Thursday, 8 May 2014

Keeping my spirits up!

Ah so May swung around all too quick! Exams, exams and more exams- even if the weather was good, I wouldn't be able to enjoy it! Lately I've been feeling a bit down about the whole revision thing so I have been trying to do things that will keep my spirits up. Baths usually do the job, but alas, my uni house doesn't have one (crazy!). So last weekend I decided to pop home and on my way back I popped into the Lush shop in Waterloo train station and here is what I picked up...
This one is called the Comforter, which seems rather fitting! It had a lovely berry scent and I will definitely be repurchasing.
This one is called 'Pop in the Bath' and it was equally as lovely and relaxing!

How do you relax? What's your favourite lush product? 


Saturday, 3 May 2014

Shh: a shout-out to the introverts.

I am a self confessed introvert. Never have I seen the allure of a night out "on the town", the idea of prolonged social activity sends shivers down my spine- even the thought of it makes me tired! For a long time I thought I was alone in this, many of my friends lived for Friday night when they could say goodbye to school and hello to a thriving social life. Instead, I could often be found in bed reading a book or re-watching Greys Anatomy for the millionth time! It wasn't so much that I didn't like talking to people, but rather that five days a week I was in school, which meant that by the end of the day, and most certainly by the end of the week, all I wanted was a bit of alone time and some much needed rest. I am now at university where I feel my introverted tendencies have become even more obvious, I find myself turning down requests to go out, simply because the idea of going out just doesn't appeal to me. I would just like to point out that my introversion is mixed in with a bit of shyness and anxiety and I know that shyness and anxiety doesn't automatically make me an introvert but I feel that I definitely match many of the qualities found in an introvert! 

Recently I stumbled across a few things that have brought introversion to the forefront and I have realised that the reason I felt singled out in my need for alone time was because introverts don't shout about it from the roof tops- that's just not our style! 

So first I would like to talk about "Quiet" by Susan Cain- I have recently started reading it and although I have yet to finish, I am so far loving it! As an introvert who has always considered it as a weakness, Cain's book, which focuses on the power of introverts, has really made me more confident. It has also made me realise that there is no need for me to change myself to suit a world that is seemingly dominated by extroverts. I picked it up at my local Waterstones and my eyes were immediately drawn to it, from a distance the cover seems blank, and although I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, I felt this cover was very effective and I had high hopes before reading a single word. 

I have just started my second year university exams and after my first exam on Friday I picked up the May copy of "Company" to cheer myself up. It was whilst flicking through that I found this article titled "how the internet helped the introvert". I felt this was particularly relevant as I actually started my blog to give myself the voice which I felt I lacked in my everyday life. When I am writing a post I don't feel the pressure to make constant conversation, I can write a post at 4am in the morning or whilst I eat my lunch- there is no pressure to do certain things or be a certain type of person, I really feel as though this blog has allowed me to be the person I want to be. 

What this book and article have made me realise is that my introversion isn't a negative trait and that I can be just as successful and happy even though until this point I felt as though I lacked the voice to do it.

I would love it if you could let me know if you consider yourself an introvert. Have you ever considered it a weakness? 
